The Association of Yoga Professionals
Over the last twenty to thirty years, yoga has seen an explosion in popularity around the globe. One of the byproducts of this is that many people have become interested in teaching yoga, which is wonderful. At the same time, there is no official governing body of yoga, and as many yogis will attest, a general consensus has developed in recent years that the standards for yoga teachers should be both higher and better upheld.
To that end, in March of 2020 I founded The Association of Yoga Professionals—a.k.a. The AYP—a 501(c)(6) non-profit that serves as the world’s first and only certifying organization for teachers of Modern Postural Yoga.
The AYP’s mission is to support the growth and understanding of yoga as a recognized healing practice, to connect students of yoga with the teachers best qualified to serve their needs, and to make high quality yoga instruction more available to more people from all walks of life.
If you’re a yoga teacher, I humbly invite you to consider becoming an AYP Certified Yoga Teacher (CYT). If you own or operate a yoga studio or yoga school, I likewise humbly invite you to consider becoming an AYP Member Studio or School. And if you’re a student of yoga who would like to support The AYP in its mission, please feel free to check out The AYP website and consider becoming a Student Member and/or buying an official AYP “Yoga Nerd” and/or “Yoga Pro” t-shirt. The proceeds will go toward creating scholarships for students with financial needs to be able to attend future Yoga Teacher Trainings. Thank you!